• You can cancel your order before it has been dispatched. You can simply visit your account on our application or website and click on “My Orders” where you will be able to see your order history. Select the product or the order you want to cancel and the process shall be complete. You will receive a notification affirming the same.
  • Cash on Delivery orders will be cancelled instantly.
  • For prepaid orders, refund will be initiated right after the cancellation is confirmed. The refund will be made on the same source the payment was made on. Please note that refund can take 7-10 days to reflect in your account.
  • An Amount minimum 150/- INR should be there depends on actual freight.
  • Please note that cancellations are to be done before the order has shipped. We are unable to accept any cancellations after dispatch.
  • In rare circumstances, we may accept your cancellation request after the product has been shipped. In that case, the refund will be made exclusive of the shipping charges if paid.

For more information, mail us at Orders@lavanyathelabel.com or WhatsApp on +91 6367-408385